A burn on the carpet

How to Repair Burns on Your Carpet

Steve VanDenBerg Blog, fire damage

Carpeting can enhance the look of your home or business, but once it’s damaged, it can appear old, worn, and unprofessional. Even with the utmost care, accidents can happen. Burns from hair irons, candles, clothing irons, cigarettes, or other sources can quickly ruin the appearance of an otherwise beautiful carpet. The good news is that minor burns can often be …

how to clean fire damaged walls california

How to Clean Fire Damaged Walls

Steve VanDenBerg Blog, fire damage

Cleaning a small amount of fire damage or smoke damage on walls of a home can seem doable yourself. If your home has fire damage or if you are looking to purchase a home with previous smoke or fire damage on its walls, you should consider how much work might go into cleaning. Smoke damage, smoke stains, and other types …